Thanks for sharing! So glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. My boys miss you for sure and send their love.
Happy New Year!
Amanda, Lantz, and River
Hi coach!
I just wanted to send some appreciation and let you know how much my son Lucas enjoys his time with you! Playball is his favorite part of school, and he always gives me detailed explanations of what you guys do with excitement and passion in his voice. Thank you for planning fun activities and for engaging the students in a way that’s memorable and meaningful!
Abbey P, parent
Dear Coach Andrew,
It's a shame that I've never had the opportunity to meet you in person, would just love to shout THANK YOU for all you are doing with the kids, especially our daughter Sadie. She loves Thursday's Playball days and we have noticed SUCH huge improvements in her various
skills. Additionally, she tells us about the games you guys play and quotes many of the encouraging things that you say to the kids.
"Heeeeeeeere's Sadie-Bedaaaaaadie."
We are thankful. Looking forward to another 10 weeks!
Thanks for all you do, Coach.
Stephanie & Dan F, Parents
Sadie-Bedadie's parents :)
Hi Coach Andrew,
Avi woke up this morning and wanted to make a little something to say... “Thanks for being such a great coach”. She wanted to include a little money out of her piggy I told her that is not necessary but she insists, so hopefully, you can accept it. I also attached some pics from her batting at softball games. She only has had a few games, but she is very comfortable and keeping up with girls that already played last season thanks to your coaching. The other teams keep saying “who brought the ringer on the team” lol.
Thanks again!!!
Lori S, parent
Wow Lori that is incredible!!! It is actually my 50th birthday today and cuz I go in and out of schools, no 1 ever knows it's my bday, sometimes I'll tell the kids but that's it, and when I saw the money I thought she knew... I told everyone in my family, it truly blessed me and started my day of incredibly well!.
I am a man of faith and I'm choosing to believe that was from above! 🙏
Great hitting, so much confidence. 1 coaching help and I've taught her class this, I'll go over it with her too...keep elbows up especially that back elbow up 'like a chicken wing' she'll know that phrase.
Coach Andrew
Happy Birthday! I am as well!!! She woke up insistent that she makes you a card before going to
school today. Avi adores you and has so much fun!
Thanks, I will make sure we go over the chicken wing with her.
I hope your birthday was wonderful!
Lori S, parent
Thanks so much, all 3 of my boys (for over 10 years) loved Playball! Nolan, Carson and now Evan.
Your program is AMAZING!
Celeste, Parent
Hi Coach Andrew,
you were excellent as always! Kids loved it today. A big thank you from Riya and Shaunak :)
They already want you for their next party!
Shweta, Parent
Thank you for providing this for our kids. As a single mom, I sometimes worry that I'm not teaching my son all of the things a dad normally would. I feel really good about Playball & it is a thrill to see Weston grow and develop skills. Thank you for your time.
Sarah S, Parent
Corban is so excited!! He loves Playball!!! Thanks for loving our children so well!!
Alyssa C, Paren
BTW Ronan thinks the world of you. He really respects you and thinks you are amazing! You are great with the kids! They respect you and have fun. It's really a good balance that you teach them.
Jessica W, Parent
She didn't want to go to school and then I told her she had Playball today and she said oh ok I want to go then!
Gina C, Parent
He just jumps for joy every Wednesday! He cherishes the gifts you give at the end of each season and always says "coach gave this to me!" whenever he holds it. Thanks for all you have done to teach him! He talks about "kick the moon" all the time and teaches me some of the dribble games and bounce games you have taught him. It's the best to watch :)
Corrie G, Parent
And thank you for engaging my son in sports and being such a positive influence! He absolutely LOVES “Coach”
Ashlee H, parent
Thanks for all you do. You make VCPS a better program!!!
Kim P, Director
BTW - Ronan thinks the world of you. He really respects you and thinks you're amazing! You are great with the kids! They respect you and have fun. It's a really good balance you teach them. Jessica W, parent
Jack loves Playball so much! Will you be one of the people at his party? Because he is very adamant that "coach" be there.
Just a side note, he always puts a hat and a whistle on and walks around saying that he is coach!
Maggie M, Parent
Avi, student
Coach Andrew,
Thank you so much for a fun action-packed year of Playball instruction for Emma! We love
hearing about her day and knowing that it included activities that help her develop physical and
social skills that are developmentally appropriate too! Have a wonderful summer and we'll see
you in the Fall!
Kelly W, Parent
Lyla loved Playball and is still asking to go in the morning. The teachers there give you praise as well. Thanks again coach you're doing a great job with our kids!
Lyla's Mom
Kade loves Playball and tells us all about Coach Andrew teaching him to throw and bounce the
ball. Thank you for being such a great addition to our son's week every week!
Kamber M, Parent
You have made my week! The report, videos, man oh man I’m so impressed!
Truly appreciate this feedback on him and please let me know what I/we can support at home. We have a tee and ball, basketball, soccer ball etc but if you suggest anything else we should focus on we will work on it. Thank you Coach for this feedback! You are a rockstar!
Best Regards,
Justin S, Parent
Hey team playball!
CJ at Country Montessori is looking forward to his 7th year of playball. He started when he was 4 at MCDC in Poway! Thank you for such a great program. Looking forward to September's first class!
Rebecca, Parent
Thank you so much for everything you taught them - it's amazing how sportsmanship and the confidence learned in Playball translates to the most important life skills that even many adults struggle to develop. I know my kids are better people because of those afternoons spent playing with their friends and beloved coaches from Playball. Have a blessed Playball season - know that my kids and I really treasure what you did for them and continue to do for all our children.
Susy F, Parent
Good morning!
My daughter, Zoie, attends Playball with Coach Andrew…
A great big shout-out to Coach Andrew! His patience, playful manner, and ability to create a safe and trusting environment have blossomed her from a quiet and reserved little girl into an outgoing confident girl who now wants to be a coach! We LOVE Playball!!!
Angi M, Parent
Hello Coach Andrew,
I just wanted to let you know that we did end up withdrawing Evan from TGPM for the summer. He was wearing his Playball shirt all weekend though; we're already excited to rejoin him in the fall!
Thanks for your help in making sure he got the most out of the classes in May!
Wishing you a wonderful summer,
Rachel T, Parent
Hi Coach Andrew,
Just wanted to say how much Sabrina loves Playball!! She spends all day on Friday telling us about how fun the games she plays are and how much she loves sandwich maker! She is going to miss your class a lot when she goes to kindergarten.
Shelby C, Parent
Hudson LOVES Playball. And to be honest I think it prepared him well for his T- ball team he is playing on!
Cassie C, parent
I just wanted to let you know that this Friday, August 12th will be Emerson’s last day at LCCP. I wanted to personally thank you for everything you have done. Emerson loves “Coach “! He talks about you the whole way home on Fridays. I’m sad he will no longer be a part of your amazing program! You have taught him so much about patience, waiting his turn, and the love for sports. I appreciate everything you have done for him. Thank you again!
Heidi K, parent
Thank you for reaching out to us! Yes!! Sebastian had a great time at Playball, he is starting soccer in a few weeks and practice will be on Thursdays also. Thanks to your influence and support Sebastian is looking forward to a first-time soccer season!
Again thank you for your commitment to sports and for bringing your encouragement, it made a real impact on Sebastian!
Ron and Patty, parents